Tis the season to have crazy fun at your neighbor's holiday party while G'ma and Pop babysit the Babyhead and mommas and dadas eat, drink and sing their hearts out. Sing? Oh yes...I said sing. As co-planner with Fabulous Neighbor Laura for their holiday party on Saturday night I suggested some tasty treats we could make and activities for the guest to take part in if they felt compelled to do so. One of these activities was Karaoke Caroling...hook up the mic and let the fa la, la, la, la's loose. I knew it would be a big hit.
What I didn't expect was that it would be a big hit with me! To the point where I didn't let go of the mic for several hours and by the next morning I had practically lost my voice. What I also didn't expect was that the karaoke wasn't just your average night of tipsy singing...this was a competition! The culprit is called "Lipz" on Xbox, where it pits singer vs. singer. Game on my friends!
After way too many holiday cocktails I can't tell you what song it was, but I won a round and was crowned a "Hit Maker" by my new friend the Xbox. This is the title they give you if you score over a cool 3 million points during your song. Those who were there will remember it for the rest of their lives...or maybe not because they might have had as many holiday cocktails as I did.

Tis the season to be the busiest momma ever! This year is not just about present shopping, tree decorating, and card is all about planning a trip and wedding for 20 people in Costa Rica! The TO DO lists are endless and for every item I cross off a different item is added. Oh and did I mention we are also planning another event for even more people here in LA to celebrate the Costa Rica wedding? Yes that trying to be a good little party planner I decided to send out Save The Dates just to give our party people the heads up (and to buy myself a little more time!)
But here is what happens when you try to do a million things at one make a mistake. And sometimes I forget that I am human and therefore am prone to making mistakes so when they happen it is meltdown time. I ordered the Save the Dates custom made online awhile ago and then spent the last month addressing, stamping, and labeling them in order to send them out before we left on our trip. As I was putting the last few stamps on I noticed that there was a misspelled word on our custom printed message.
Now I have never claimed to be the world's best speller. In fact I am the werst. But I couldn't believe that I hadn't caught my typo before I confirmed my order and now I have 150 Save the Dates that I am sending to all our friends and family that shows what a harrible speller I am. Meltdown time commencing. It took me three days to get over the blow. I decided to still send them out to a few people who would probably think the typo was funny. As I started to go through them...a light from above beamed down on me and angelic voices sang a harmonious chord...there was only 40 Save the Dates with the misspelling on them!!! The rest were perfect. I had know idea how it happened, but I didn't was a holiday-way-too-busy-for-her-own-good-humbling miracle!