November 9th-November 15th
His name is Bret Anthony. But I have been calling him Bretski for so long that he should think about officially changing it. He is our very funny and very good friend...who we get a chance to see every 6 months or so. Because when you are a very funny and wonderful person your social calender is usually full, as is Bretski's. On this particular visit he showed up with an amazing story involving a friend's weird brother, a junked out car that was towed, and a mysterious backpack which resulted in him now owning a very expensive and professional looking camera. He brought it along to visit Mr. Tavian Babyhead and used us as test subjects to learn about his new treasure. So not only did we get a very fun afternoon with our favorite Bretski, but we got some pretty good pics out of it too. Thank you dearest a new mom adorable photos of her little baby are better than diamonds!
We had an incident...there were crocodile tears, but they quickly turned to...


Imagine Bruce Willis is saying this a la Look Who's Talking...
"Can I help you? I am trying to crawl here."

"Yes I agree...this IS my good side."

"Did you say bottle? No seriously..."

"I got places to go people!"

"Ahhhhh bath time. Bathe me, bathe meeee!"

"No photos please, this is a private bath session."

"Momma, bottle, jammies...this is the Babyhead life."

Best thing to do with a self-timed camera shot
Our fore mentioned dear friend Bret Anthony has developed the next hottest trend since blogging. You have to check out his website "SelfTimerJump" to get the full explanation, but it is fun, fun, fun! Oh and do not skip the video demonstration!!! This is such a great tradition to start with your friends and family. We'll be setting our timers on our upcoming trip to Costa Rica for sure!
In an attempt to get through a very early morning I flipped on the news as I was watching Tavain crawl around in search of something to chew on. I was feeling a little grouchy and a little sorry for myself due to lack of sleep from our too early wake up that morning, but as I watched the news I realized how petty I was being. The segment was covering a community in the Eastern San Fernando Valley that was completely demolished by the fires. The journalist went on to describe how more than 500 homes were completely destroyed as the cameraman panned around the street they were standing on. It looked like a scene out of a epic movie, but it was real. Real homes, real people. Real ashes of people's treasured possessions. Real fears of what they are all going to do? Where to they sleep, eat, shower, play, cry, love, live? Although my heart ached for those who had been affected by the fires, I felt very lucky. I might be tired, but I only have to try and imagine what it would feel like to lose everything, to lose not just a house, but a home. Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers as well as the brave men and women in the fire, police, and emergency services who are doing there best to stop this horrible tragedy.
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