It took me awhile to finish this post..."A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart, and a washed out dream."- MJ, Man in the Mirror
If you have ever took a ride with me in the car, been given a mix CD, attended any party that I threw, heard my ringtone, saw the inside of my high school locker... than you heard, saw and felt the magic of MJ.
I consider my love for Michael Jackson part of my personality. So when I looked at my BB and saw a message from Natalie "OMG poor MJ" my heart dropped to my stomach. As I watched the CNN coverage of the UCLA Medical Center, and could hear the helicopters flying nearby, I realized how much I took MJ's presence for granted. He has always been apart of my life, my culture and I never dreamed that he would be gone.
His immortal range of creativity and talent made him feel, well...immortal.
That day I watched the news for 6 hours and since then the only other day I watched the news for that long was the coverage for Michael Jackson's memorial. I thought my heart couldn't feel any heavier than the day he died, but I was wrong. My splintered heart completely broke in half as I watched the tears of a little girl who just lost her father fall onto the shoulders of her comforting family on national TV. MJ was always a figure of soul, rock, and moves, but that day I realized he was also a father...a parent. The loss of his life was felt by the world, but for his children their father is their world.
On June 25th...when the news was finally over and fans were standing vigilant at memorial sights all over the world...I rocked Babyhead to sleep and sang "Man in the Mirror" softly and sweetly. Taking in the power of the lyrics and replaying the many times over my life I sang my heart out with MJ, every "Uh," "Ow," and "you know it."
All I can say is I love you in peace, I will miss you.

Just a little gem I came across and decided to share. This photo is from the Wheat Ridge High School 1999 Talent Show where I lead a group of girls to an MJ inspired dance routine to "Smooth Criminal." Complete with black fedoras, smoke, laser lights, and even a few pyrotechnics on the final "Ow!" of the routine. Yes, that is a young CB on the far right, hand in the air like ya just don't care. And yes I was that serious about my tribute to MJ dance. I was living the dream of a little girl who watched her "Michael Jackson Moonwalker" video 382 times.

1 comment:
mamaC- I've waited so patently for this post... and it was worth it! Such a great tribute. I will always remember my favorite night of BB in the trailer for a "Michael Jackoff" dance competition. love ya!
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