Eli loves this show called "On Surfari." It is a documentary style show about a couple (who now have two kids) and travel the world to find surf breaks. They are two of the coolest people I have ever seen, especially since both of their babies have been born and raised in this see-the-world-and-surf lifestyle. The couple amerce themselves in the local culture in between surf sessions so you get to learn about different places and people.
Recently they visited a place called the Popoyo Surf Lodge in Los Salinas, Nicaragua. We were watching the episode and Eli said "I'm going to go there." Several weeks later after much more research Eli and his best friend from college were on a plane with their surfboards to Managua.
But he was gone for 5 days and Babyhead and I missed him terribly. So even though I couldn't be happier for him that he was able surf his heart out and experience a new country...it makes the Worst list because 3 isn't a crowd in our house.
Luckily Eli returned from his trip in time for us to celebrate our second ever Father's Day. Of course he wanted to spend it eating pancakes and playing in the ocean. Especially since he found Tavian a baby wet suit which has been his dream for his son since Babyhead was in the womb.
With tummies full of pancakes we headed to the beach, pulled on our wet suits (yesss I finally fit back into mine...yahoo!) and got our feet wet. Really just our feet, despite the wet suit Babyhead is not quite used to the ocean yet...it was more about wearing them all together!

Eli's parents, Fran and Henry joined us at the beach. Fran bought the two fathers "Dad's' Sodas" and my gift was a home made chocolate cake. Edible gifts are the best!!

Wet suit on and ready...

Eli experimented with Tavian on the boogie board. His mission if for Babyhead to catch a wave before the age of 2. God help me!

A well deserved nap on the way home. Tavian usually rests his hands behind his head when he is in his car seat...hilarious.