Saturday, May 30, 2009

Home is where the heart is

Yesterday I got in the Murano and drove up to Pacific Grove in Monterey. A home needed my help and I was on the way.  Our good friend the honorable Captain of Special Forces Patrick Flood is taking a break from his deployments to Afghanistan and scored himself a nice little home in PG where he can study hard as he attends the graduate school here.
He was suddenly left on his own to move into a new house and try to make it his own.  But they were in need of help...of my help, both Flood and the house.
We are about 42 hrs into the project and it is going well.  Flood is able to envision this house as his home with every box we unpack.
Back in LA, where my home is, my heart misses being there. To hold and kiss my two boys and extra kisses to the little one. So before I went to sleep tonight I watched a few movies of Tavian to make me feel better. 

Color coding Patrick's ties and folding them perfectly to fit in his top drawer.  When you open it a blast a fabulousness hits you as you stare at all the colors and patterns neatly coordinated.  It is just one of those moments in life...

Also I did not junk out on food during my 5 hour drive by myself on Thursday.  Usually I convince myself that since I am on the road I deserve an In n Out cheeseburger with fries.  It will help me get through the next hour.  BUT not this time baby!  I made it on packed-from-home strawberries, nectarines, and yogurt.

It is very cold up here as I am cuddled under  three blankets while wearing a hooded sweatshirt to asleep.  Another long day tomorrow but the results will be sooo good brotha!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother Nature

Lately my attention has been caught by the amazing-ness of nature.  And lately I have been making up my own words to describe things by adding "ness" to the end of any word I choose.  Since my second Mother's Day is coming up I wanted to reflect on the the reason why I am even a mother in the first place...Mother Nature.


First...obviously the best experience I have had with Mo Nat (my cool abbreviation for Mother Nature.) Tavian Babyhead.  Who's latest hobby is sweeping.

The first time I really took a beating from a wave when I was learning to surf was the beginning of a deep respect for mother nature.  The power of that wave crashing down on me, holding me under the water, flipping me over and over again like I was in a dryer, made me realize how helpless us little humans are compared to her.  But as you can see in these photos taken by the talented Clark Little...and courtesy of my email-forwarding great aunt Nancy...Mo Nat has such beauty-ness too.

Although I tend to give a little eye roll when I hear the term "Recession-ista" I also tend to be proud of myself when I realize I am being one.  I love the idea of being glamorous and saving money at the same time. So when I was picking up my fav brown rice spicy tuna roll from Vicente Foods and noticed that the local Pharmaca was having a "spa day" with FREE mini facials and massages...I convinced myself I had time to go.  Totally worth it!  Yes it was a great facial, yes it was a great massage, and yes it was free!!  
My other motivation is that I have been wanting to find a good skin care system that 1) I can stick with the same product and be happy with the results and 2) that I can easily buy again once I run out.  The "spa day" also included many-a-product reps to give you many-a-samples.  I was waiting for my mini facial turn when a very energetic rep from a company called L'uvalla struck up a lively and educational conversation with me.
She really took the time to explain the process that their products go through that are truly all natural and organic (so I was told...and totally bought into it.) Not to mention they are made in the south of France and Europe has a stricter code for a product to be called organic than the USDA (or so I was told...and totally bought into it.) 
What I DO know is that I need to take better care of my skin and I DO know that our skin absorbs whatever we put on it into our systems.  So it is just as important to put natural things on my body as it is in my body.
But being the Recession-ista (eye roll) that I am I went with the free samples that the rep offered me before I splurged for the whole system in full size.  I hope it is the facial product-ness of my dreams.


Going along with the aforementioned awe and humbleness that comes with the reality check of Mo Nat's power.  While we were attending an outdoor birthday party for our adorable friend Myles Wilkas, I forgot to spray myself down with sunscreen.  Leaving me with two pink shoulders and a self-smack to my forehead for my forgetful silly-ness.  Don't worry Babyhead was completely covered in SPF.

A simple fact I try not to say out that things are not as physically easy with each passing year.  This last passing year since Babyhead has ruled the roost has been even more evident.  But yes, working out is harder, yes I am more stiff and soar than ever, and yes you can roll your eyes at me for complaining about this at 28 years old...I would too. Darn you Mo Nat! (fist wave in the air)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

HELP by the Beatles

April 27th - May 2nd

If you are wondering if saying the term "knock on wood" actually spares you from the topic you are talking about, I would say yes...for about 13 1/2 months.  This is exactly how long Tavian has lived without getting sick. And getting me sick for that matter.  For the last few days we have battled through congestion and runny noses.  Momma is lucky and can take as many drugs as she can think of to feel better, but poor Babyhead has to just "let itself work out" a la our pediatrician.  Although we are on the path to wellness it is a road I hope we do not travel again anytime soon.
Even though the Beatles wrote a  song about it, asking for "help" is one of the hardest things for me to do. It has become  a personal goal to work on this challenge and when you are sick you need a lot of help. Especially if you have a sick baby too. Especially if you have husband who gags every time you blow your very congested nose. Especially if your entire house is a disaterous, germ zone.
Natalie Robuck is a cornerstone in the foundation of my sanity.  I wouldn't know what I would do without her freindship... not laugh as much and be very sad.  We have the best conversations about every-aspect of life.  We offer loving, but honest truth when faced with problems. Understanding. Support. And delicious meals to get our selves through hard times and to feel alive again.
I feel very lucky to have someone like this in my life. Someone I can pick up the phone and in a very congested voice babble though an awkward sentence of needing me if you can I'm feeling down, Help me get my feet back on the ground.
Without hesitation and a tall non fat latte in hand for me Natalie appears at my front door. She choose to spend her Sunday morning helping me fold laundry, vacuum, and sanitize every inch of our bedrooms. All of a sudden my overwhelming task is brought to life with fun and meaningful conversation because Natalie is there helping.  We worked our butts of for two hours and demolished any lurking germs in our house or around Babyhead.
Dearest Auntie Natalie we do appreciate you being around! THANK YOU for being my Help, not just anybody.

Here are some of my favorite shots of my favorite person a la Cost Rica

Rice pasta and cheddar? I am sorry please don't try to out cheese my regular mac and cheese. It would get messy...spilled milk, burnt cheese,...just ugly.  But then gracefully the box with a noodle smile said "do not worry my child, I am Gluten Free." The forks  were peacefully lowered. Let's just see how it tasters.  So the water boiled on with the delicate noodles bouncing around. Then drained and swirled together with milk and the cheese packet.

Don't worry MnC the RP &C are apart of the family now. Creamy , hearty, cheesy. Tonight I felt a little crazy for the RP&C and it was mixed with tuna, sour cream, spread in a baking dish and topped with Organic bread crumbs and mozzarella cheese.  FAB comfort cooking.  RP&C you have made the cut!

"If there's no chocolate in heaven, then I'm not going."
Thanks to Aunt Nancy for that gem of an email forward, simple, but frighteningly true.